The Endocannabindoid System (ECS) is a regulatory system and its receptors are located throughout our bodies (similar to our nervous system).
What we know at this point is that the ECS main role in our bodies is to keep our bodies at homeostasis. Our bodies are amazing at healing itself, however when our ECS is deficient or is “blocked” the body has trouble maintaining its equilibrium and impedes the body from operating at its full potential. Its receptors like CB1 can be found in the brain and the central nervous system and CB2 receptors are tied to the activity in our immune system.
CBD is one of the many cannabinoids that we have found that has had a beneficial relationship with our ECS, and has been the source of all the buzz concerning the potential health benefits of CBD.
There are some great articles on the web that can provide more in-depth information, if you would like us to direct you to some shoot us an email!