CBD Full-Spectrum All-Natural Hemp Extract Tincture 750mg

(3 customer reviews)


All-Natural Hemp Extract
Full-Spectrum CBD 750mg
Medium Concentration
30 Servings
Cold pressed organic MCT coconut oil,
choicest organic whole plant hemp.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 4 in

  1. LD

    I love this! I take it morning or night to help me mellow out.

  2. Edith Burton

    I was visiting a friend and I take CBDCapsules for my arthritis and I ran out while I was there. She gave two of her pills and I was surprised at how fast they worked. Please let me know when you get the capsules in stock again.

    • admin

      Hi Edith,

      We are carrying capsules now!

  3. Uncle Paul

    If Mary Jane hurts my throat, then i put a dropper of CBD oil in my beverage – it floats on top. Sipping it soothes my throat.

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